Ways to Get You Customers NOW!
Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies when done correctly. And Google is the name that springs to everybody’s mind when they think of online marketing.
So much so that the name Google has become a verb and one of the most famous words, probably, in the world
Here at FizzAbility Digital, we have over 15 years Google advertising (formerly Google Adwords) experience. It is extremely powerful and we use it to generate leads FAST.
Consider the fact that people specifically type into Google precisely what they are looking for, and you will appreciate why Google is such a sought after “shop window”.
The leads you get through these searches are people who are actively looking for your services and consequently are more likely to turn into customers or clients.
Like Facebook Advertising, we can accurately track every Dollar spent to determine your ROI. Leads can come in as fast as 24 hours.
We use tools that can detect the best keywords that your competitors are using so that you can get the benefit of great results with much less trial and error.
Let us know what your business is all about through our Inquiry Page and let’s get you some more business.